Jan 29, 2014

Growing the Culture of a Learning Community

We’ve been doing a lot of talking about Professional Learning Communities, and the intentional efforts of some to create communities of purposeful learning.  The activity linked here is one we recently crafted for a team of teachers who have been given one day each month to explore, test-drive and share elements of practice, as they relate to shifts toward student-owned and global learning.

Given this gift of time and opportunity, I wonder…

  • What might they need to consider as they learn toward their goal of student-owned learning and global connectivity?
  • What professional & pedagogical process changes will be most important to consider?
  • What do they need, or need to avoid, to make the most of this opportunity?
  • How can we best support their efforts to create a culture of professional learning?
originally posted at Learning OutLoud by Sara Wilkie

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