Mar 1, 2012

Why You Should Care about a "Scratch for HTML5"?

Why You Should Care about a "Scratch for HTML5"?

Should we teach programming? To everyone? Why?

I "teach" Scratch, though the focus is on ways of thinking, creativity, problem-solving, etc. I'm less focused on students understanding how their Wii or iPad games work, since Scratch is only going to give them a feel for that. The related question I always get from other teachers that is, I drive a car, how much do I need to know about how it works? Definitely some, or I might run out of gas or run my battery down, but how much more?

I just heard someone discussing something I thought might help me think about that question. I make toast, how much do I know about the toaster? Hmmm ... Here's the interesting answer:

The Afterword: Making a Toaster From Scratch

Thomas Thwaites: How I built a toaster -- from scratch (TED Talk)

Can't wait to read the book now.

Stop Stealing Dreams

Stop Stealing Dreams

Lots to think about and argue over! The Suck-O-Meter would fit well with it.